4 Reasons To Get Sculptra® Injections

Woman receiving a botox injection in the lips zone Maybe your best friend doesn’t look her age and attributes it to Sculptra®. Or maybe your coworker swears by the popular injectable for putting her best face forward on video calls. No matter what initially drew you to this injectable, you’re sure to find more reasons to try it, including:

  • Rebuilding lost collagen: Did you know that you lose up to 25% of your natural collagen by the time you are 45? Even worse, collagen creams don’t penetrate the layers of your skin, and we don’t know if collagen supplements are effective since they break down in the digestive system. Sculptra uses poly-L-lactic acid to rebuild collagen. In doing so, it addresses a leading cause of visible aging instead of just the symptoms.
  • Treating common signs of facial aging: Sculptra is incredibly versatile. It can restore lost facial volume, soften smile lines, fade marionette lines, and smooth away chin wrinkles. With such a wide range of applications, there’s a good chance it can help you.
  • Enjoying subtle and gradual results: Some people are put off by the overnight improvement that many facial fillers can offer. They worry it will be too obvious they’ve had something done. Sculptra results appear gradually and last up to two years.
  • Avoiding or postponing surgery: Facial plastic surgery offers the most comprehensive improvement and longest-lasting results. However, you might not want to deal with the financial commitment, downtime, or aftercare that’s involved. Even if you want to delay the need for facial plastic surgery until later in life, fillers like Sculptra are a great alternative. Sculptra is a simple, safe, and effective way to enhance your appearance.

Schedule a Sculptra Consultation in Tampa Bay

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stan Castor and his team at Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery can make you look years younger with the help of Sculptra. Book a consultation at 813-971-2000 to learn more about this collagen-boosting injectable. We provide exceptional facial rejuvenation services to patients in Tampa Bay and nearby areas of Florida.

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