5 Tummy Tuck Recovery Rules You Should Follow

Woman touching her flat stomach If you want to get good results from your tummy tuck, you will need to commit to the recovery. That means investing the right amount of time and energy into healing. It also means knowing what you should and should not do after your procedure. With that in mind, here are some helpful recovery rules to set you up for success:

  • Wear your compression garment: While compression garments and abdominal belts/binders may take some getting used to, they need to be worn around the clock. Try wearing a t-shirt or tank top under your garment for comfort. Keep your garment pulled down instead of letting it get bunched up above your stomach.
  • Limit your physical activity: Walk around multiple times a day to promote healing and prevent blood clots. However, take care not to stand fully upright during the initial stage of your recovery. Avoid strenuous activities and exercises until you are told otherwise.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff: Bruising. Swelling. Redness. Tingling. Asymmetry. These and other symptoms can seem alarming after surgery, but they are perfectly normal. Knowing what signs to watch for during recovery will help you feel more at ease.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Good nutrition is crucial after surgery. Be sure to give your body the fuel it needs to recover. Eat fruits and vegetables, protein, and fiber. Stay hydrated and avoid alcoholic beverages.

  • Embrace the journey: Remember that it takes time to see results. Your contours and scars will continue to refine for up to a year after surgery. While your results will be relatively permanent, your body will still change with age, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy.

Keep in mind that your aftercare guidelines may vary based on the details of your procedure. Recovering from a full tummy tuck looks different than recovering from a mini tummy tuck. Adding liposuction to the equation can also change some details of the healing process. View our post-op instructions for a better idea of what you can expect after your chosen surgery. 

Contact Our Tampa Bay Plastic Surgeon 

Do you have questions about recovering from a tummy tuck? Call 813-971-2000 today for a free consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stan Castor. Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery and Laser Center proudly serves Tampa Bay and the surrounding areas of Florida.

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