Do Breast Implants Look Different at First?

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The final outcome of breast augmentation isn’t visible right away. It’s normal for women to experience changes to their breast appearance during the recovery process.

A variety of factors, ranging from muscle tightness to residual swelling, may obscure your results. Keep reading to learn what you can expect.

High or Flat Breast Appearance

Following breast augmentation, your breasts may sit higher on your chest than you anticipated. They may also seem flat or have a low profile. These concerns are normal and usually correct themselves.

Muscle tightness is one factor at play. If your pectoralis muscle is tight, it will push your breast implants up. This muscle will relax in the weeks following your procedure, allowing your implants to settle.

Skin tightness can also contribute to a high or flat breast appearance. Your skin may need to stretch to accommodate the increased volume. This process will happen gradually after surgery. Until then, it can impact the way that your breasts look.

Following these changes, your breast appearance will improve. Your breasts should take on the full, shapely, and attractive look that you want.

Breasts That Look Bigger or Smaller Than Anticipated

Swelling is normal after breast augmentation, and it can make your breasts look much larger than you expected. It may take several months for swelling to subside completely. At that point, your final results will be visible.

It’s less common for breasts to look smaller than desired. It may indicate that you need a larger implant, though you should wait until your recovery is over to make that assessment. If your surgeon understood your goals and you had an active role in the planning process, your outcome should be close to what you envisioned.

Contact Our Tampa Bay Plastic Surgeon

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stan Castor is committed to achieving your aesthetic goals. If you feel that your results are not progressing as expected, or you have any questions about the recovery process, please reach out to our practice at 813-971-2000. Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery & Laser Center serves Tampa Bay and the surrounding areas of Florida.

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