There are so many different factors that can create the appearance of a double chin. Age, weight fluctuations, and even genetics play a part. No matter the cause of this stubborn fat, chin liposuction can give you a more defined and contoured profile.
Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery and Laser Center offers several advanced liposuction options to choose from, including VASERlipo® and SmartLipo.
Here are four things you should know about liposuction for the chin and neck area:
- It’s the fastest way to get rid of a double chin: Chin liposuction eliminates unwanted fat in one quick procedure. Injectable fat treatments, while popular, require up to six appointments spaced at least one month apart. What about taking things into your own hands? Unfortunately, there’s no scientific evidence that chin exercises can spot-reduce fat, and a double chin may persist even if you lose weight.
- It’s relatively pain-free: Most people tolerate chin liposuction very well. You shouldn’t feel any pain in the treatment area because the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Our next-generation liposuction treatments also involve far less discomfort, swelling, or downtime than traditional liposuction.
- It can have skin-tightening benefits: Sagging skin and a double chin often go hand in hand. With traditional liposuction, you may be left with a droopy neck contour. However, modern laser liposuction has skin tightening benefits and can give you a smooth result. If you’re still concerned about sagging, ask about combining your procedure with a Renuvion® treatment for improved skin elasticity.
- It lasts for years: It’s easy to think of chin liposuction as a quick fix — but it isn’t. The procedure permanently removes unwanted fat cells from the chin and neck area. Those cells can’t regrow or come back. Your results will last for many years to come as long as you maintain a stable weight.
Schedule a Free Chin Lipo Consultation in Tampa Bay
You can achieve your cosmetic goals with liposuction for the chin and neck. Get started by scheduling a complimentary consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stan Castor at 813-971-2000. Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery and Laser Center serves Tampa Bay and the surrounding areas of Florida.