Benefits of Male Breast Reduction Surgery

male breast reductionAre you a male who is struggling with larger breasts? This can be quite embarrassing to deal with and can be damaging to your self-confidence. If you are unsure what your treatment options are there is no need to worry. Many men are turning to male breast reduction surgery to regain their self-confidence and get back their masculinity. In this blog, we are going to dig a little deeper and discuss what male breast reduction surgery is and how it can benefit you if you are a male that is suffering from larger breast tissue.

What Is Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Male breast reduction surgery helps people who are suffering from gynecomastia, the overdevelopment of male breast tissue. This procedure is typically done by taking out excess fat and glandular tissue using liposuction. This surgery can help men achieve a more masculine figure, resulting in more confidence and an enhanced overall quality of life.

Benefits of Male Breast Reduction Surgery 

  • Improved Confidence: If you suffer from gynecomastia, it can make you feel less masculine. With more proportional breasts, you can feel more confident with your shirt off and with tighter clothing
  • Easier to Maintain a Healthy Weight: It can be very difficult to maintain a healthy weight if you suffer from gynecomastia. This is because working out with this condition can be very painful and uncomfortable
  • Help Relieve Back Pain: Similar to women, larger breasts in men can cause back pain. Adjusting your breast size to something more proportional can help you alleviate some of that pain
  • Quick Recovery: Overall, the recovery for this procedure is pretty quick. Typically people can return to work in 7 days, and they can begin heavy lifting again in a month

Get Your Masculinity Back 

If you are struggling with gynecomastia and are searching for a solution, male breast reduction surgery could be exactly what you need to get your masculinity back. If this procedure sounds like something that you could benefit from, Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL is the perfect place for you to go. The team at Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery is led by Dr. Stan Castor, a board–certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in the cosmetic surgery. With his knowledge, you can have peace of mind knowing that your health and well-being are in good hands. Contact us today at (813) 971-2000 or visit us online at to schedule your consultation. We look forward to helping you!

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