With a changing silhouette, many maturing women hope to evoke a breast line of their youth. All expressing a similar sentiment, Dr. Castor’s patients explain, “I like the size of my breasts, but their shape and position has changed.” Aptly named and designed to do just this, a breast lift seemingly lifts the breasts—allowing them to appear both shapelier and perkier.
Is a Breast Lift the Right Choice for You?
Take a good look at yourself in the mirror—are your nipples lower than your breast crease? If so, then, yes, a breast lift may be the right choice for you. Still not sure? Try this: place a pen in the crease underneath your breast, if the sagging tissue holds the pen in place without the use of your hands, you could likely benefit from a breast lift.
Is a Breast Lift Enough?
A breast augmentation can complement your breast lift. “Breast implants are not necessary with a breast lift. However, many times breast implants will enhance the results of a breast lift,” says Dr. Castor. He reminds each of his patients, that “when a breast lift is done, your breast actually gets a little smaller (maybe half of a cup size).” Thus, an implant “can help to lift the breast and fill in the deflated top portion of the breast.”
Curious as to whether you may benefit from an increase in cup size? Put on a regular, non-padded, non-pushup bra. Are you happy with your breast size? If so, you most likely need a breast lift rather than a breast augmentation. You aren’t in need of more volume, you just need the volume that you already have put back to where it was.
You Can Trust Dr. Castor’s Judgement
As a board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Castor has the knowledge, expertise, and experience needed to assist you in making the best decision for you and your body.