A Nose by No Other Name

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Rhinoplasty, otherwise known as nose surgery, nose reshaping, and more casually, a nose job ranks as one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. Second only to breast augmentation—in 2014 alone, over 217,000 individuals underwent rhinoplasty. Why the popularity? Prominently placed, the nose serves as a focal point for the face—for many, rhinoplasty is a life altering and gratifying experience.

Even a slight alteration can greatly improve facial balance. Rhinoplasty works to reshape a nose that is too large, narrow, or too wide. Likewise, nose surgery can straighten a crooked nose, eliminate a bump or hump, and reshape the tip. Lastly, a nose job enables Dr. Castor to improve the angle between the nose and the upper lip—giving your face a more youthful appearance.

Realistic Expectations

It is important to have realistic expectations. Although rhinoplasty can transform your nose, only so much change is possible as it is imperative to keep with your natural nasal architecture. Remember that a nose job builds from your existing nose, reshaping, sculpting, and enhancing your natural assets.

Why is this? It is important to maintain the noses’ framework to ensure safe and lasting results. Removing too much nasal tissue does not allow for the nose to be properly supported—over time, this may cause the nose to droop and in extreme cases, even collapse.

Permanent Change

Whereas many surgeries require upkeep or revision—rhinoplasty permanently changes the nasal structure. Of course, there is the rare case where revision may be necessary, but this is an anomaly, not the norm.


For the majority of our patients, rhinoplasty recovery lasts about one week. Accompanied by pressure and some discomfort, swelling tends to peak around day three to four. Post-rhinoplasty, many patients report feeling “stuffed up”. To help shape and protect your nose, Dr. Castor will place an external nasal splint immediately following your operation. Along with any internal splints, the other splint will be removed about one week after.

As with any surgical procedure, it is best to give your body time to fully recover. Dr. Castor will provide you with a specific recovery plan, but generally, for the first two weeks, you will want to keep physical activity at a minimum. For the next six weeks, any contact sport or activity with a high potential for a ‘blow’ to the face should be avoided. To help minimize bruising and swelling, it is best to keep your head elevated—even when sleeping.

Renew Your Confidence at Artisan Aesthetics

Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex and challenging plastic surgery operations. As a board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Castor combines both experience and skill to help create a beautiful and balanced nose. Working closely with you, Dr. Castor carefully constructs a personalized surgical plan to ensure your comfort as well as the success of your operation.

Looking to learn more? Please, schedule a consultation with us today. At Artisan Aesthetics, we look forward to working with you.

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Suite A
Tampa, FL 33647


8:00am - 5:00pm

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