Part II: Preparing Your Mind & Emotions for Breast Augmentation

In our last blog post, we learned how to physically prepare our bodies for breast augmentation. This month, we examine ways to prepare your mind, your mental state, and overall emotional well-being. Often overlooked, being mentally and emotionally prepared is just as important as being physically ready.

As you think ahead to your better bust, you can expect to feel a mix of emotions. Whether excited or anxious—it is important not to let your nerves get the best of you.

Stick to Your Guns

Confident after the initial consultation, as the surgery date nears, it is common for a woman to start questioning their decision. Uncertainty is to be expected. As the “what ifs” surface, think of your goals and focus on the reasons why you decided to undergo breast augmentation in the first place. Visualize only positive results and relish in how beautiful you will look afterwards.

Have a Support System

Although uncomfortable for some, it is often helpful to be open to those closest to you. Confiding in loved ones provides you with a built-in support system. It can be comforting and boost your spirits knowing that you have someone to turn to. Build a network of friends and family that can be there for you, no matter what. It can be especially heartening to share your journey with a trusted cohort that has also undergone breast augmentation.

Find an Outlet to Channel Emotions

Prepare your mental and emotional self by channeling any fear, worries, and anxieties by championing positive emotions that support your ultimate goal. Women find clarity and peace of mind in activities including:

  • Journaling
  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Exercise

Listen Your Worries Away

Music is known for its therapeutic ways. According to a recent study, patients who listened to music before, during, and after surgery were less anxious. Moreover, post-surgery, the patients found that they needed less pain relief. Somewhat enamored by her own findings, the study’s lead author, Dr. Catherine Meads, believes that Pink Floyd’s album ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ helped to soothe both her nerves and pain as she underwent hip surgery.

Keep In Touch with Dr. Castor

Anxiety most commonly stems from fear of the unknown. We understand that questions can occur at any time. We promise to be here for you any—and all the time. Feel free to contact Dr. Castor whenever you find yourself with questions, concerns, or just need some reassurance.

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