What Is the Lollipop Breast Lift?

Lollipop breast lift patient in Tampa Bay
A variety of incision patterns and techniques can be used during breast lift surgery, depending on your breast characteristics and personal goals. These include a vertical or “lollipop” lift, a peri-areolar or “donut” lift, an “anchor” lift, and a crescent lift. Here’s how they compare:

  • Lollipop lift: A vertical or lollipop breast lift is one of the most common types of breast lift. It corrects a moderate degree of sagging while leaving discreet scars that are easily concealed. It involves one incision around the areola and one running from the bottom of the area to the breast fold. These two incisions create a lollipop or keyhole shape. 
  • Donut lift: A donut or peri-areolar breast lift is appropriate for those with a mild to moderate degree of sagging. It consists of one incision made around the edge of the areola. This technique can help reduce areola size as well. 
  • Anchor lift: An anchor lift is ideal for women with a severe degree of breast sagging and excess skin. It resembles a lollipop pattern. However, it involves an additional incision along the breast crease, which creates the anchor-like shape. This is the oldest technique and is commonly used in conjunction with breast reduction.
  • Crescent lift: The crescent lift technique can correct a very mild amount of sagging and creates the smallest scar. It involves an incision running around the top half of the areola. The crescent lift is not commonly used but can be appropriate in some cases.

Discover Your Perfect Breast Lift Technique

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stan Castor will recommend the type of breast lift that will provide the results you desire with the least amount of visible scarring. Most women find it easy to conceal their breast lift scars under their underwear or swimsuits and are satisfied with their perkier breast appearance.

Call us at 813-971-2000 today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery and Laser Center serves Tampa Bay and the surrounding areas of Florida.

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