Which Type of Liposuction Is the Best for My Goals?

Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Laser Center liposuction treatment Which Type of Liposuction Is the Best for My Goals?

Here at the Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery & Laser Center, we offer a few diverse liposuction treatments that all use slightly different methods to enhance your body. They all still have similar effects of liposuction with removing excess fats and helping to better your appearance. However, each uses a slightly different method that may be better for your own goals and aspirations. Or perhaps you just want a liposuction procedure that doesn’t involve lasers. Whatever the case may be, we encourage you to read on and find out more about these 3 distinct techniques of liposuction.

GPS Lipo® LipoControl

This particular format of liposuction brings an advanced GPS to the liposuction process making it easier to target areas of fat. This GPS works exactly how one in your vehicle operates. This type of liposuction allows Dr. Castor to view the fat during the procedure in real-time. Allowing him to target the areas more directly and accurately so that maximum fat removal can be achieved. All the while it also gauges how much of the laser energy is spreading to nearby areas. This allows the doctor to move through the procedure more efficiently knowing exactly when the surrounding area is being affected by the laser too much. Think of the laser as applying heat and while some heat is okay and necessary to remove fat, too much heat for too long in any situation in life isn’t optimal.


This is a quick, easy, and minimally invasive method of liposuction that involves a more refined process. The laser being used in this procedure is more refined and meant to target smaller pockets of fat. Meaning that this procedure is especially beneficial for those that have a small stubborn area of fat that they simply can’t seem to get rid of. The laser for this process is so focussed that it can even be used on thinner areas of the body such as the jawline. Because it is more minimally invasive than typical liposuction procedures, recovery time can be as little as one to two days. Though if you have larger areas in mind for liposuction, it may be better to go with another type.

Vaser® Liposelection

If laser-free liposuction is of interest to you, then this is the procedure type for you. Vaser® Liposelection involves the use of ultrasound energy to liquefy the fat in your body for removal. Now this is still a minimally invasive procedure as the device used to remove the fat will still have to go in to suction it out. However, the fat will be liquified by ultrasound energy as opposed to a focused laser instead. Due to this your skin often appears smoother, tighter and healthier than typical liposuction procedures. Medical research studies have shown up to 50% tighter skin after Vaser liposuction. Additionally, the recovery time is also typically less than your usual liposuction procedure.

At the end of the day, no matter what type of liposuction you are interested in, a consultation with us here at the Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery & Laser Center is a surefire way to be sure it’s right for you. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Castor at (813) 971-2000 and discuss which method will help you achieve your desired goals best.

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