Why Are My Upper Arms Flabby?

Woman checking her upper arm It can be difficult to deal with loose skin on your underarms. And it can be almost as difficult to pin down the culprit. In this article, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stan Castor goes over a few sources of unwanted sagging. He also explains how to get rid of it for a slim, sculpted look.

Causes of Loose Arm Skin

The skin on your upper arms can become slack or droopy for several reasons. However, the most common causes of loose underarm skin, unkindly referred to as bat wings, include:

  • Aging: Proteins called collagen and elastin play a large role in keeping your skin firm and tight. Unfortunately, our bodies produce less of these important proteins with age.
  • Weight fluctuations: If you gain a significant amount of weight, your skin will expand to accommodate it. This process can damage the collagen and elastin fibers mentioned above. When you lose weight, your skin may not be able to return to its old shape.
  • Genetics: It might come as a surprise to learn that your genes affect your skin. You may be predisposed to have thinner skin or experience a greater loss of elasticity than others. 

How to Get Rid of Loose Skin on Your Arms

A healthy lifestyle is usually no match for sagging skin. Unfortunately, loose skin is notoriously tough to treat with diet and exercise. It lacks the elasticity needed to spring back into place.

Similarly, skin firming creams tend to offer little help in the way of treating significant sagging. If you are not seeing the results that you want, turn to surgery for a proven and reliable solution.

An upper arm lift procedure is the most effective, long-lasting way to eliminate excess skin. It dramatically tightens and recontours the entire area between your armpit and your elbow. As a result, your clothing will likely fit better. You’ll probably feel more confident going sleeveless, too!

Book a Free Arm Lift Consultation in Tampa Bay

Winter is a great time to have arm lift surgery because you can see results in time for summer. Call 813-971-2000 today to schedule your free consultation at Artisan Aesthetics Plastic Surgery and Laser Center. We happily serve patients from Tampa Bay and across Florida.

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